Terms of Use

  • Last Revised : 20th May, 2020
Terms of Use

1.1 These Terms of Use ("Terms") govern all use of the publicly available service known as "BlueCloud Network" ("Service"). 1.2 A reference in these terms to "BlueCloud Network", "we", "our", "us" means BlueCloud Network (ACN 629 926 870) A reference to "you" or "your" means the person who registers any communications device to use the Service. 1.3 The Service provides a unified network access points that allow your device to access connections to the internet once you has been registered with the Service. Connections to the internet available through the Service are provided by a range of businesses and organisations ("Providers"). 1.4 By using the Service you will be deemed to have accepted these Terms. If you do not accept any of these Terms, you must immediately stop using the Service. 1.5 We may change these Terms at any time. As you will be bound by any amendment to these Terms, you should review these Terms from time to time. By continuing to use the Service after any amendment to these Terms, you will be deemed to have accepted the amended Terms.

Collection and use of data, storing, using and disclosing personal information

2.1 When registering to use the Service, you will be required to provide certain information, some of which may be personal information for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1988. If you do not provide that information, we may refuse to give you access to the Service.

Unacceptable Usage

3.1 You must only use the Service in a reasonable manner, consistent with ordinary community standards of behaviour and decency. Under no circumstances may the Service be used for any illegal purpose, or in a manner likely to cause offence to a reasonable person. 3.2 You must not exceed the monthly usage allowance, as varied by us from time to time in our absolute discretion. 3.3 You must not use the Service for any purpose which we or any Provider consider to be unacceptable. Examples of unacceptable behaviour include use of the Service that: a. would cause you, us or any Provider to be in breach of any law, code, or regulation; b. places any unreasonable impost, burden or strain on the technical resources of the Service, including without limitation the excessive transmission of data; c. depicts or promotes offensive or illegal behaviour; d. is offensive or promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm; e. would harass or threaten any other person; f. exploits people in a sexual or violent manner; g. contains nudity, violent or offensive subject matter; h. promotes an illegal or unauthorised copy of copyright material; i. promotes criminal activity or enterprise; j. could cause us or any Provider to incur a liability to any third party or entity; k. violates the privacy or confidentiality of any person; l. involves compromising the security of any computer system or data storage system; m. contains, provides or creates computer viruses or deliberately corrupts systems, facilities or data; n. involves the sending of junk mail or unauthorised commercial electronic messages; o. alters or modifies the operation of the Service in any way, or p. involves the resale or resupply of the Service to any person without our written permission.


4.1 These Terms are governed by the laws in force in Western Australia, Australia and the parties agree to be bound by the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Western Australia, Australia. 4.2 If any provision in these Terms is void or unenforceable, that provision will be read down to the extent necessary to make it valid and enforceable and to the extent that it cannot be so read down, will be severed from these Terms 4.3 If you have questions about billing, you must reach us before any dispute resolution process.
